Sunday, January 01, 2006

A brand new year!

Muhahaha! 2006 liao fast..

hmmm..went out with:
  1. Kendran Valentino Vincent Anthony Ho Cheah Tien --> Handsome liao le..mai siao siao ar..
  2. Daniel hahaha
  3. Hazel Chan
  4. Tania Ong

to the seoul garden..we had a lot of fun.. i happily had my "fishball meal" wahaha.. The most funniest thing is that, we even had a 'interesting history lesson' from an uncle.. hai,waste our time nia..

after makan,we go jalan jalan around...tok abt st.john stuff.. Quite fun though..

My conclusion of the dae is that: - Daniel hahahaha will oni get 'high' in the middle of night. la..juz kidding. Overall very good la.. Thanks guys! =)


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