Saturday, December 09, 2006

Getting better~


Like what Gen says on her blog,

"lets all just move on.
and lets not be STEWpid,upsetting ourselves with all the crazy relationships."

and i think it's true lor.

We have to overcome all those UN-HAPPINESS things surrounded us den we can keep on moving.

黄妈妈 asked me to forget the incident -which im still trying very hard to.
and i cheekily asked her,
"den are u gonna buy me a new phone?"

Surprisingly, she told me, "Ya."

Whoa! Im like so happy lor..den i keep asking her to make a promise.

den she cheekily replied, "Not so fast la..but will buy..just to make u happy for the time being lor."

=_=" 黄妈妈 is so BRAVO and cute -i think. Haha..

At least i know that im gonna get a new phone in the future.. *grins widely*


Maybe i'll get a new phone AFTER MY 3-YRS COURSE in NYP bah.
coz to prevent THAT incident to happen AGAIN.

-but am still hoping it to be returned.


Tml im meeting Cheemei and Lynn!! So long nair meet them up liao..

and i think we are heading down to Raffles City's Bakerzine!

*Yummy Yum!!*

Oh ya! I've MADE a small present for Lynn's belated birthday. You saw the MADE word?!


I hope she like it. Coz it's my virgin work! -i'll try to take pictures of the earrings!

Hee hee..

As for Cheemei's belated birthday present, i still dont know what to get for her.

I cant make earrings for her coz she did not pierce her ear lobes.

Hee hee.. 先欠着吧! :P

Im still 期待着 going out with my girlies!! Must wait for me ar! Hee hee..


Attachment's schedule is out already.



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