Tuesday, January 02, 2007

为爱而生 - born to love


My sister bought Mayday's lastest CD! -i hope for STEP UP's soundtrack!

Just finish listening their album.
All i can say is, this time round it's just so-so only. -还好啦。

Like what i've told Cheemei, i think ah-shin [阿信] -their lead singer has lost his power of singing liao. I felt that he start to feel restless when he's singing.

When he feel like hitting the high tone, i think he screams instead of using his high pitch.

Dunno la.

Of coz, i dont have the right to say them, they are still the best band in my favourite list..but compared to their previous previous+++album, this album is only so-so.

Maybe it's new, so must listen a few more times den "shong". Wahahhaa..

I like their photo shooting though..especially the center row de! - 是帅的咯!
Congrats him and his wife who bear a daughter for him!

*For those Mayday's fan!

Buy this album hor! Dont buy those pirated one! Coz fake goods DONT give you 10% voucher to buy their CONCERT tickets in Singapore!!

Weeee~~~!!! Indirectly saying, that means they are coming to SINGAPORE!!!

This's special -know why? find it urself! Wahahaha~~~

是酷的咯!-is cool one lor.

This is currently my handphone wallpaper.

-i know the effect look bad, but if my W850i was not LOST, i think the effect would be better! ):



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