Saturday, December 02, 2006


Dedicated the following to my precious phone:

Im still missing you. -badly
I miss those days when im looking at you.
I miss those days using you to listen to the broadcast.
I miss those days when you use ur powerful tone to wake me up.
I miss those games in you.
I miss those days pressing ur buttons to send messages.
I miss those days when i use you to take beautiful photos.
I miss those days i've to charged you.
I know this entry tell you guys that im crazy. I dont denied and I admit that im still missing my Sony Ericsson W850i.
It's painful to know that your phone just disappear right in front your eyes and you dont know how you lost it.
It's very painful to know that you used the phone for like less than a month and now it's gone.
It's damn very very painful to know that this phone mean a lot to yourself. This phone is a NO second-hand phone which passed down from your elder sister and MOST IMPORTANTLY, IT'S YOUR FATHER WHO BOUGHT IT FOR YOU!
I dont come from a RICH home. It's really very RARE to have my dad to buy a phone for me. And the sad thing is, i've lost it.
I bet my dad felt disappointed. In fact, the whole family - i think.
I've passed my practical exam and i was overjoyed just for a while.
I just hope what Van said will be true.
Van: "Hey, maybe u passed ur practical, it shows a good sign to get back ur phone."
Maybe Van is my saviour to bring back my phone.
*praying hard while crying*
I also hope that the police will do what they said.
*praying hard to get news from them*
I want the phone back not for it's value, but the meaning to me.
If the person really gonna give back my phone, i wont blame him/her. In fact, im gonna thanks him/her for giving me back as it really mean a lot to me. *i promise*
I hate this feeling~
I miss my phone~


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