Ha ha..Pictures!! :D
Yeah, these were the photos I wanted to blog about it for the past few days... (:
I went to The Cathay to watch Step Up with Jen, Van and Liap on last Wednesday. Jie was unable to join us coz she's going for a job interview in Raffles City[if im not wrong]. Nair mind, she's gonna join us the next time! (:

It's super nice lor. No words can describe about the movie till you go watch it urself! :P Before watching the movie, we went to Ya Kun to eat some snacks. We saw a very disgusting thing, wanna find out what is it, go check out Jen's blog. Click here.
The Cathay was cool lor! It seems like we were watching Crazy Horse when we went in to the theatre. Wahaha! But it was really cool! [Paiseh la, im mountain turtle.]
After the movie, we went to eat Carls Junior! Yeap, it's my virgin time when I went there to eat. Erm, I cant get used to the taste. However, I think im gonna like it ba..coz I think their cheessyyy thing very bagus.
We bought two burgers and cut it into half and we shared the drinks. After finish half of the burger, I felt as if I've just finish a MacChicken. Wooo..It's cool man! Heh heh..
Aim for the next-Carls junior-burger: We gonna buy our own burgers and stuff it inside our mouth! Heh heh..
I think we enjoyed that day! (:
Thurday, actually I planned to go home and washed clothes (due to my 黄妈 went to Genting with her sisters). However....Jie, Jen, Ju and me (OMG! It seems like there's 3Js sial!!) were gossiping in the Mac. Wahaha, I love gossiping ppl...but I dun like ppl to gossip abt me. Heh heh.. :X So, I just hope that the person we were gossiping, HE/SHE will just be HIMSELF/HERSELF and try not to make ppl don like HE/SHE. (:
Nair mind..We took some photos!!! (:
Sexy Anju taking out her jacket while I secretly took a photo of her! Heh heh.. *saliva drooling* She's very tanned coz she's in NYP kayaking!! (: OMG...She really look ta ma de tanned lor! :P
This is Jie! (: Green shirt suit her too! But she told me that she has three of a kind but different colour. However, her god-mother is good lor. Bought her clothes and some food from China. I envy her! :X Hee Hee.. But I LOVE my 黄妈 too! (:
Both of them.. Pretty pretty!!
Today!! From 9am to 6pm! Wa lao..its damn long lor! But nair mind..We know how to self-entertain ourselves!!
Boring 'psycho' lecture..Hee hee... :P Actually the lecturer was not boring, it's the content which makes us all feel bored. :P
And this is it! This was how we self entertain ourselves. Ju and me started off our 'creative' drawing by a straight line.
I drew a tree.
Ju's drawing~~(we take turns to draw)
So, this is our final drawing..Heh heh.. Very random and there's no link too... Wahaha!!
A closer look..
Hey ppl, dont forget that we start off with only a straight line!! :) Try it when u are bored! (:
Actually after school, im suppose to meet up with Evon, but I feel like shitting..
Feel like shitting = feel like going home
I dont like to use public toilet coz I dont feel easy when im shitting..dunno why la..But im sure some of u guys do feel the same way as me rite? Must go home den can shit.. Wahaha..it's kinda disgusting now..
So, I was unable to meet up with Evon.. Sorry!!
I think that's all about today!! (:
p/s: Hais...attachment schedule is out liao~~ ):
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