Friday, November 17, 2006

Updating in process....

Updating in process...

Hey hey!!! Im in school comp lab again..Waiting for the psycho lecture and clinical lab again~~ And the waiting time is for 3hrs lor!

I feel like blogging but i want to put photos in too..i din bring the phone wire [aiya, i duno what it called la] with me, so how am i going to blog it when im in sch? Toot.. Liab and bibi stop asking me to blog in school lab okay!! And you! yes you!! Stop flooding my tagboard!! :P Hee hee...i will blog when i reach home tonight k!! :P

Blogging in process... (:
[Stay tune!]


To: eVon,

Hey, babe...Seems like you are very sick le...Somemore u fainted!! You better take care of ur health ar.. Drink more water and eat more fruits!! (:

When u are better liao, den we meet up?

Take care.


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