Monday, December 11, 2006

Im missing my sister... :(

This is my current desktop background.

This may seems weird.

But i've to admit:

Im missing my 黄大姐!Ha ha..this is a strange and "冷" entry ba.

But, it's true REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY missing my elder sister. Even though i've already 习惯 she everytime 早出晚归 from work or from her entertainment, i still miss her.

And im glad she's coming home soon ya? -i think one more week? (:

Ae, 大姐!If you are reading my blog now, i just want to say that I MISS YOU! (:

Haha..okay... kinda EMO here..

Think i'll stop here... i think i'll post some photos up soon.. maybe next entry? -stay tune! :P


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