Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Pictures!! :) -random entries.

So so so...these are the photos i long wanted to post. (:
Stayed back after school today to prepare HS1029 presentation with Jie~ Jen and Yvonne were there too.. Heh heh.. Actually i like raining days, when im in school~ Dunno why.. :P
Haha..this is just a random pics i took in NYP Mac.
Finally i've managed to meet up with Zihui yesterday! Ha's such a long time we din meet liao and we manage to update our story yesterday while we were eating~~ AND I LOVE THE FEELING OF MEETING OLD PALS~~!!
Heh heh..

Yeah..we went Gelare CWP for dessert!! Weee~~ Wahaha...
After all the spending, im TOTALLY broke for this week!! ARGH!! Boooooosss!

Love this pic loads. Wahaha~~coz my head dont look big!! :P
We've even planned to go out every Wednesday!
Heh heh...
Remember the entry which i said that i made a pair of earrings for Lynn's belated birthday? Click here.
And this is it.....

Nice? (:
Lynn like it..but i still think there's still room for improvement!
Heh heh.....
We went Thai Express for our brunch.
This was Lynn's. -dunno what thai seafood kway tiao ar?! (:
Cheemei's - something thai green curry seafood?
Insulin's - some seafood laksa..
Our's - Tom yum seafood soup?
[paiseh ar, forgot all the dishes name :P]
It's terribly HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!! (warning: dont eat hot&spicy things with an empty stomach. the feeling is not good. =_=")
Overall, i still prefer mine. Although, it's the "HOTTEST" among all..the gravy just makes u feel like keep drinking it non-stop! *trust me*
Den, we went walk walk talk talk...we reached BAKERZINE!
heh heh..
The cakes. -i like the chocolate one. DAMN FREAKING NICE!
It's sweet that Cheemei bought something for me when she went to CHINA for school trip.
Erm, even though i "HATE" cats. Im still gonna wear this, coz Cheemei says this necklace got my style. ?!?!?!?!!?!?! dont know la.. sincerity pays it.
Cheemei, no worries. I like it and im gonna wear it. (:
Not long, we quickly rush back home coz...
we wanna watch the STAR AWARDS 2006!
Wahahhaa.. :P
Zihui, find this familiar? Heh heh..
Yeah, tarot cards.
I played it to asked for a question.
I like this JUGDEMENT card. Because it said that, "lost things can be found".
-praying to be true. *fingers crossing*
My class gonna have a BBQ gathering at Jen's house!


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