Thursday, January 25, 2007

Im late today!!

Damn it.

I was late for my attachment today. Suppose to wake up at 4.45am but woke up at 6.30am and the reporting time is at 7am!


I woke up yelling the word,"Fuck!"


Luckily, 黄爸 gave me 20 bucks to take cab. *phew*
and i was late for 10mins only. (:

(Disclaimer: This entry is solely based on the imaginations, thoughts and reflections of the writer.)

After 4days of attachment, i dislike some of the doctors. I dislike the way they are performing duties. They somehow dont know patients' basic safety precautions.

Whenever these doctors are doing their round, they will tend to put down the side rails and check patient thoroughly. However, after checking patient, they forgot to put up the side rails up. Leaving it wide and open. So, if those patient's on fall precaution, den they will fall down if they happen to slide down.

In the end, whose fault is it? The nurse. It's ridiculous lor, it's the doctor's resposibility to put the side rails up after the check.

Ignorance + Arrogant = I cannot tahan them.

I start to "diao" some of the docs who 我看不爽. They dont deserve the smile and greeting from us coz they dont know the safety precautions in the first place.

Damn it.

(p/s: lucky, none of the patients fall -yet.)


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