Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Chinese New Year..!!!

Hee..Hee.. It's already 初三!! So fast.. hee hee..

Basically, I've my steamboat meal and a 'small' gamble with my relatives...Den went houses and houses to 拜年... I had did the same thing every year and every year but it just don make me bored. Coz it's like一年只有十五天的农历新年, den we can use these days to go relatives' and friends' house not only to bai nian but to hang out with friends or to have 'stronger' bonds with the family. However, it's only up to chu san. Wahaha, coz some need to work or get back to school. =P

It's really quite fun this year! Manage to get together!

Up next will be the St. John bbq le bah.. Hope it will be fun! =)