Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Spring Cleaning....

Hmm.. In about 2 weeks time, CNY is coming!!! Yippee. - ang bow. =)

CNY is coming and we need to do some spring cleaning. Yah, it's a frustrated job. My mum suggest to paint the store room.

Store room? Need to paint meh? Nobody will admire the store room de. Hai~ but who ask her to be the empress of the family - no choice. =)

So, we bought the paint and I had requested to paint the walls. Hee hee, play play nia. Basically, it turned out fun! =P

yah, me and my big head.

Fun! Fun! =P

My brother see me paint liao like very shioOoOk. So, he begged mi to let him take over.

That's him!

Paint! Paint!

Hmm..Not only the storeroom needs to be paint, the door too,which was greatly damage by the 4(My siblings which includes me!) Heh..Heh..

My dad helps us to put on some colour. Hee..Hee.. :P

Hmm..A tired yet a family day!


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