Tuesday, February 28, 2006

So coincidence...=)

Do you know?

My mum and I have the same birthday date. *nod head* Wahaha..Sounds like I just know the truth like that.. =_=" Hmm..Some of my relatives who were being invited to the BBQ-thing were amazed by the same birthday date we have. Ha.

Me, myself was amazed too. I dunno how my mother did it. There's only advantages to have the same birthday date.

  • She and I can celebrate together.
  • She will remember my birthday - always :P
  • My siblings were jealous! *wicked laugh*
  • I no need to buy present for her. - coz I'm her present when I was born on her birthday! :D
  • I can still get birthday ang bows (red packets) from the relatives but she cant. - coz she's married already. *wicked laugh*

See it? wahaha..


Blogger tunaflsh loves apple pie... said...

haiyo. So coincidental. Anyway did you ask cheah tien if he is going? Must ask him to buy something nice for his mother-in-law. Heez.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Swing Ng said...

yup..i smsed him..but no reply le.. wahha.. hai..

10:10 AM  
Blogger tunaflsh loves apple pie... said...

wah. You must be disappointed. Haiyo. Die die must ask him go see his mother-in-law!

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Delete this comment if you wish, but I bear good intentions.

So coincidence...=)
-So coincidental.

Sounds like I just know the truth like that
-It doesn't make sense and I'm getting a hint that it's colloquial.

Some of my relatives who were being invited to the BBQ-thing were amazed
-How would you know? And watch your tense.

Me, myself was amazed too
-If you wanted wordplay it should read something like - Me, myself and I were amazed.

There's only advantages to have the same birthday date.
-There're only advantages to having the same birthday.
And anyway, for everything there are -ALWAYS pros and cons, so, don't be so definite about it. For instance, in a somewhat petty manner, doesn't having the same birthdays make you less special/less attention is given since there are two birthday girls now. It isn't a strong point but you get the drift, don't you?

She and I can celebrate together.
-We can celebrate together.

My siblings were jealous
-You mean they are no longer(jealous)?

I no need to buy present for her. - coz I'm her present when I was born on her birthday! :D
-You aren't born every year, are you? By right you still can/should give her presents. Besides, no babies ever give their parents presents when they were born. They simply can't.

I can still get birthday ang bows (red packets) from the relatives but she cant. - coz she's married already.
-It's a wrong concept that married people cannot get red packets. They can.

See it? wahaha..
-You should end it with - Now you know.

11:12 AM  

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