Monday, February 20, 2006

Does it really worth it?

Recently, i've heard from LOVE 97.2 fm de broadcast.'s actually my mum listening and i happen to be in the kitchen. You know, those aunties etc. who like Dong Fang Bi Li, Mr Billy.

Ya, back to the broadcast. There's this mrs. blah who was on Mr Billy's on-air session. She say something which caught my ears.

She said nowadays women are going for prettyness. They forget about their own dignity. They will do anything just to look good like plastic surgery and MAJOR operations which they know it suffer. Ridiculous, eh?

Everyone is good-looking now. Everyone has the same fashion taste. Everyone is pursuing for perfect look and body. Everyone look the same now. - pretty face and perfect body. You not happy with your face? Simply just go for surgery if u got the $$. It will be really boring if everyone on the streets to be a u-look-a-like.

We, only know how to look at their outer and think, 'oh, he/she is pretty/handsome.' and we forget about their inner. Never jugde a book by it's cover.

Make up is not a wrong. However, some may come to a circumstances where they will undergo operations and i think it's not a worth. God has given u a pretty face when u had enter to this world, so wat the fuck to go for a op? You have a good looking face but with a bad character, it just wont match. no one is perfect in this world.

Wahaha. I sound so serious now and it's not my business to care about all this thing either. It's just my opinion. But after hearing what mrs. blah had said, it really make some sense. Dont you?