Friday, May 05, 2006


It was a indeed difficult to tell a white lie. Peiying and I were thinking very hard to come out with a lie to make her meet us and den we go to her house together. Hee.. Hee.. Zihui, u must be wondering how this thing happened rite? Okay, I'll tell from the BEGINNING. :)

Remember, that time I tell u that I want to book u the whole day? Actually my plan was just go out together, have a meal, give present den go home. Seriously! I sumpa! *3 finger up*

Suddenly, Zihui's mother called up.

Zihui's mother (ZM): Hello, Suyin ar?
Suyin: Yes?
ZM: Oh, Zihui told me that on Friday u gonna booked her for the whole day ar? Why ar?
Suyin: go out eat eat nia lor.. Why?
ZM: Oh, I thought u all are giving her surprise, den I thought of involving also. Ha ha.
Suyin: Auntie, u wanna give Zihui a surprise huh.. Wahahha.. Can can..
ZM: Oh..Actually hor, I thought of.......blah blah blah (she continued abt her planned)
Suyin: Oh, good! Den we just do it! Hee hee...
ZM: Okay! Den I'll contact u again?
Suyin: Okay!
ZM: Bye.
Suyin: Bye.

It happen before u go for ur camp. Hee Hee.. Your camp came at the right time sia. Wahahha.. Hmm..Heard that u were sick ar, TAKE CARE AR!!!!!

Okay back to the subject, so we were planning and planning. Calling and calling and calling each other. Hee Hee..

Xin Yue they all were in-charge to stay at ur house to help ur mum to prepare all the stuff. They were the ones who help ur mum to buy de. :) Peiying and I were in-charge of getting u to CWP den go back home again (in order to waste time ar!). We cant find any relevant reason to bluff u that we need to go to ur house. Finally, u called me and said that u got a lot of things to take!! Wahahaha..So we were thinking of bluffing u that we are going out later till 12 am like that and therefore we can bluff u to go back home put ur 'heavy' stuff den we 'go' out again. :P Clever rite? We know..wahahha..

While we were heading ur house, I was actually calling ur mum to give her signal..But I lie to u that I got a lecturer called me and want to has a make-up class because that time due to his wife miscarriage, he had to leave early. THAT WAS JUST A LIE!!!! ARGH!!! SORRY AR..IM A SADISTIC PERSON... :( I said it all coz I just want u to believe... Hee Hee.. :P

Finally.....We were at the door step.

Zihui: "Oh shit, I think I forgot to bring the house keys!"
Suyin: "Huh?! You din bring?"
Suyin: Holy shit la...!!!!! How can she not bring it!!!??

Deperately finding the keys........

Zihui: "AR! Here it is."
Suyin: "Wa piang!"

Opening the door gate, opening the door.......

Xin Yue, Sheril, ZM, Derrick, Derrick's sis, Peiying and Suyin: Happy Birthday to you....blahblah

Zihui: "Oh my god! Oh my god!"

She had repeated a lot of times, OH MY GOD (I noticed it!) =_="

Den finally she's crying. Yea! Aha..Told u im a sadistic person. :P

Here's the photos...(ENJOY!!!)

See her nostril there shiny shiny one? Her 'leftover' tears lar..wahhaha


Yea! My present for her! :)

夀星婆 and her frens.. :)

Wa piang..damn tired sia.. We drink and drink.. hee hee..thanks to Zihui's dad who gave us $$ to buy sia.. wahahaha.. Damn drowsy sia, going for my beauty sleep liao...ZZZzzZZZzzzZZzZzz.......

[Just for Zihui: Hey babe, really hope that u've enjoy urself today! I really hope that u can really hold on to the *ahem* and process successfully. Don hurt urself again if anything bad were to happened ar...! (You should know what I mean!) Anything, just call or sms me! Even though I cannot 100% guarantee u that I'll always be there for u, but I'll try! You also must live to the fullest ar! Hee..Hee... Im now looking forward to my birthday liao.. Wahahaha!!! (kidding nia la!) Just know that I'll be there for u whenever u need my help! See ya soon and GET WELL SOON AR! When ur throat better liao, den cai go kbox lar.. wahhaha.. :P]


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