Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Boring bones.

Heh..Heh.. Today was damn fun la.. We had lectures and practicals on bones. It's like a bit sian la..But to entertain ourselves, we took some photos!! Wee...!!! Yea, with the skeletons..wahahha.. It's fun and damn fun.. Wahhahahahaa!!! Im crazy.

We were having our lecture in the hall and this particular lecturer wanted us to 'touch' our own ribs. Hee...hee... Genevieve, Vanessa and I were touching and talking among ourselves.

Lecturer: "Okay, u try touching the collar bone.. Blah Blah Blah.."
Students: Touching and touching.
Lecturer: "Now feel the rib bones here. There's a hard hard thing here. "

Genevieve: "Can u feel it?"
Me: "No. Too fat."
Genevieve and Vanessa: Laughing all e way.
Me: =_="

Wa lao..Funny meh? It's just a opinion wat. I laughed too. Hee hee.. It's just kinda joking around lar. Wahhaah, I din take it to heart lar.. I admit im fat. :)

Take it easy, girls.. Im a cheerful person. -somehow

Conclusion of the day: It's a boring and self-entertain lesson... Heh..Heh.. :)


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