Sunday, April 16, 2006

Nervous and sad. :(

Today's trip with macy was fun! We went orchard in the end... :) As usual, Far East Plaza cum Takashimaya cum The Heeren cum Cineleisure. Hee hee.. Today's Sunday, so it's fully-crowded! Oh my god!

We went to Ajisen and had our lunch. Out of nowhere, there's this Japanese uncle kept talking to us and speak Japanese somemore. Hee Hee..he is cute lar, too bad I dont know how to speak Japanese lar. Sorry ar, uncle! =_="

Macy bought a $70 plus magazine! Yea, IT'S $70+++!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? Heh..heh..She's rich la. :D It's actually a Fashion Magazine bah..As I've mention in the previous entry that she's keen in Fashion. :) Poor me only bought some pens and a notebook. :( Hee..Hee..


Yeah!! It's starting school tomorrow le! Luckily, I've to report to school at 1110. Heh..Heh.. :P Nervous lar..dunno the lecturers good a not le.. Hai, sekali kana those like to tekan ppl one.. :(
*sweating* Argh?!1!!!???!1

Hope it's gonna be safe for me tomorrow!! *pout lips*

Sad lar..gonna start school now. Den I'll have to spend lesser time at home, with frens and window shopping. :( Hai... will miss ya de! :)


p/s: I promise. * 3 fingers up* I'll meet u guys one day de! :)
p/s: I'll find time to upload the competition photos.. I'll...


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