Friday, April 14, 2006

New friends.

Heh..heh.. I got to know a lot of new friends from the orientation. It's fun and tired. We've to run about the school and find individual checkpoints. -yeah, we were playing treasure hunt. =_=

After playing, while we settling down, all of us were exchanging numbers. Cool. Hee hee.. Even though we din win anything, but we've team spirit, yea?! Wahahahaa.. Btw, nice to meet ya! :D

I managed to meet up Cheemei and Lynn..long time din meet up when are we going to chiong again ar?! ask me not to write vulgar words le, okay, i'll TRY to reduce.. heh heh.. :D

Oh ya! I'm going out with Macy this coming Sunday. Let's hope it's gonna be fun. We still dont know where to go.. Hmm..maybe Orchard or Marina Square. Oh ya, haven introduce her, er..she's my 四婶的 sister. We've actually used snail mail to write letter to each other, but dunno why in the end stop le. She plan to study Fashion Design in Temasek Polytechnic, but the school haven give her any notice and she's feeling moody i think.. :(


大姐 had been feeling down's not ur fault lar..Cheer up too! :D

There's no perfection in the world! :)


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