Insulin's DAMN HAPPY today~~~~!!!! :D Hey hey...MY S$100 IS HERE ALREADY!! IT'S DAMN GREAT LOR!
Wahaha..I think one of the sister must have read my blog, coz my pay come on the 23rd!
Heh heh..
It's a bit coincident lor coz yesterday Jen, Van and me were planning to go buy the "qualified sandals", and I was planning to BORROW $$ from 黄妈.
But you know what?!
Wahaha..I think I must have been a GREAT child for the past few days so 观音妈 had grant my wish! Heh heh.. :P
Hey ppl!!! THE $$ IS HERE!! Waaaaa!! Heh heh..
So, tml...Jen, Jie, Van and me (LIAB is unable to join us coz she wants to prepare for her prac exam next mon! Good luck!!) are all going down to Heeren's NUM to buy the sandals!! Im hope the neighbour is working tml, see if can ask for discount??!! *evil laugh* Heh heh.. :P
Review for the past few days,
(dunno when??) Van and me took the newest MRT train?! She and I think it's new la, coz we din see it b4.

See it? It's kinda similar with the Dhoby Gaut station MRT which the space is bigger. The only differences is that, there's like two different colour in between the seats. See it? Heh heh..Wonder got how many colour..but I like the spacious new MRT. (:

I dont like raining days, and it's been raining for the past few days lor. Please rain only when im sleeping~~ Heh heh.. (:
Oh ya! Yesterday, I almost choked when I was eating my dinner. My teeth was damn pain lor, I TELL YOU..IT'S UNBEARABLE PAIN LOR! Wa piang..I cant tahan den I ask my dad if there's any dental near our area and is still open. So, he took me to the dentist and u know what the dentist said after he checked my teeth?
Dentist: 'Oh, you've got a decay wisdom teeth'
Insulin: 'Huh? Den how? Can pluck it off?'
(if u scare to see bloody things, or u still not yet eaten, please don scroll down!!It's at ur own risk! If you faint or vomit and's none of my business!!)
I warn you!

The dentist plucked it off..
Damn it. Actually the decay part quite big le.. ):
Before the dentist pluck it off, he knew im damn scare of pain so he gave me dunno 3-4 jabs of anathesia!! Wa lao eh..
Wa's pain and scary lor! Believe it or not, this is my first time to the dentist to PLUCK OFF my teeth. Normally, when we were young, the teeth will drop by itself mah..
Wa lao, I tell you..When the dentist was using the dunno-what-tool-which-look-like-those-help-you-to-crack-open-crabs-body tool to pull out my teeth lor(maybe the dentist was eating crab that time) and my pulse was like beating 200/min that time. AAAhhhhhh!!
I feel like the gum is bleeding on and off le..haisss.. I tasted blood in my mouth. (:
Damn it.
Shit teeth.
Okay, enough of the disgusting thing.. :P I've found something funny today on the train!

See anything unusual?

Yeah, there's a 'mini man' standing...wahaha..

Haha..cute and funny..I find it funny..
Hais, something happen before the school start...My bag's zipper spoiled. Van had tried to fixed it, but it still cant survive.. Hais..

I think, I've to change bag liao..
That's all for today! See if I can manage to take any pics tml! (:
To: eVon,
Hey, if u still cant get it..Maybe can try complain to the MOM with ur fren. They really very inefficiency lor! Hais.
Take care! (:
To: Jen,
Hey! Remember to bring ur warranty card tml ar! If not, u cant get ur phone back ar!! (: