Sunday, January 28, 2007

Chinese New Year is coming...

Hmmm..chinese new year is coming!


All of us are busy dealing with those long long long long long unwanted things in our house and it's kinda happy to see those things u lost at home back again! (: Heh heh..

Both tired and happy filled the room, but it sure turn out to be relieved that u've done a great job! (:

Pictures to be up soon!!~~


Attachment was different from last semester! I've kinda fall in love with the job im doing now. Haha. I dunno why, but think that being a nurse to served the patients' daily needs or even to saved their lives really had brighten up my life a little -at the moment.

Still remember that there's this uncle who always keep to himself and due to his dialect(Hakka), i dunno how to communicate with him. Den when the lunch was here, i gave him the beam and level up the bed and see him eat his food carefully. He's kinda cute coz if we(nurses) din do anything up to his expectations, he will show his temper! Wahaha..he's damn cute la.

So one day, i went up to him and ask him to smile. Yeah, just wanna tease him or something like that. I smile to him and ask him to smile too. Know what?! He starts to talk to me in Mandarin sial! Haha, at that time i was damn happy coz at least he knows a little mandarin. He talk abt his sons and how old he is la..just a small talk, but it had somehow bring bonds between me and him. -which is damn good lor.

So everytime, he will look at me, and i smile at him. He kept nodding his head. Wahaa..cute la.

Haish, enough of all these attachment stuff liao~


-Advance Happy Chinese New Year!!!


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