Monday, February 06, 2006

Sjab BBQ.

Heh..Heh.. Back from the BBQ.. Was great but not up to wat I expected. I thought it was gonna be real~ real~ fun.

Coz of that person who gave us that face and that speech. Hey! We've graduate liao lor, and our contributions is much higher than urs lor.. So show us some respect hor! It was a 'fun outing' so stop going there to command people lor. There's no senior junior position there! It's HUMAN BEINGS there! Please have some BBQ-manners! Hai~ If that's ur attitude, I have nothing to say but to tell u that if u keep on showing this kind of F***ER face, no one is gonna like u! *Believe me* Unless u don wan any, keep on doing it!

Don care abt this kind of people! *roll eyes*

Photos!!! =) enjoy.

The food. Yummy! With lots lots of HONEY! =)

Left the scene early coz camel wanna go home to do her studies and homework.

Heh..Heh.. But we played the swing and see-saw. OMG! It was very very very 100x long I din play on these things le.. So when we hop on the swing we was like orang utans (no la, it was only me who keep on shouting and screaming =P) playing on it. But it was really beri fun.

The see-saw was a damn hurting tools. I would recommend the 'non-virgin' to avoid it. Heh..Heh.. Coz u dunno when ur friend gonna go up and lands u hard on the ground. :X

*I purposely do it when I was playing with peiying* Ooopss.. But she was laughing all the way.. Is it enjoyable or pain until she cant tahan? I dunno le.

I think we had lose some calories with all that laughing bah.. heh heh..

I love this photo veri much. My and friends suggestion. =)

Our creation.

Oh ya..went to Cheemei's house and saw this website which i've got interested. Happy tree friends. It's cartoon violence i warned u first. Go to this link. I find it cool. =P Thanks cheemei for her recommendation.. Woo..