Saturday, March 04, 2006


Ya.. I think i'm addicted to BBQ. =)

There will be a BBQ celebration on my birthday (04/03/2006 -> Saturday). Just nice. On the weekend. Yeah! Lots and lots of u gonna make it. Hope so. =_= "

Date: 04/03/2006 (Saturday)
Time: 6pm onwards
Venue: 我家樓下的 bbq pit

My birthday present lists:

1) Lionel Lewis gonna turn up for the bbq thing :P
2) Mark Chay too :P
3) Golden Retriever
4) Lots of red packets from my relatives ;)

Er..greedy huh. Hee hee.. that's me.

But seriously, i hope all my friends will turn up ya? It's not a must. But try k? This is a post-dated entry. Do scroll down for the new entries! =)

Hee..hee.. a bit early, i know.


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