Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Yesterday, we celebrated our advance Mother's Day. :)

It's the paternal side celebration.

Actually it's just having meal with my relatives and cousins. It's quite boring.. =_="

After all the makaning and makaning, it's the cut cake time! YiPPEEE!!! My dad bought the SWENSON's ice cream cake..hmmm... *nice!* Hee hee..Quick, envy me! :P

This is it.
My dad not bad la..I mean he bought a not-bad-looking cake lar.. wahahahhaa...

The kids. :)

Kids: Wahhh!!! Smoke le!! Wahh...

*pardon them*

Pretty gramma and mums... Naughty kiddies. *they were still bloging the 'smoke'*


Hump! I oni manage to eat one slice of the cake! Argh!! I WANT MORE!!!!! HUMP! Anyway, after makan and cut cake, 大姐 and 大姐's bf and Caleb and brother and me went to watch:

I would rate it 3 and half. I would recommend it. Watch it and u'll know. :)

Maternal side celebrations later. Hai. BBQ-ing again. =_=" (dunno whether im going later)


Hey folks!

The weather is weird nowadays, ppl are falling ill and restless. Im being kana already. So drink more water and eat more fruits ar!

Take care!


To all mothers:

Happy Mothers' Day!



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