Thursday, June 22, 2006

Holi gonna over soon!!!

Holi gonna over soon!!! Argh.. Like wat anju said,

Holi finished = ICA's coming!!!

Argh!!! Damn it. That means,

Holi finished = ICA's coming + More meetings + Lesser sleeping time - Daydreaming

:_ (

Hai.. No choice, this is life.

Hmmm, heh heh.. How I spent my holi huh?

I also dunno le. Erm.. Let me think *thinking really hard*








* still thinking really hard*






Ar!! I know it!

2 weeks holis = Sleep + Eat + Watching TV

Heh..heh.. Yeah. That's it bah. Nothing really happened over the past 2 weeks. Other than going to school, having meetings and Leo club thing.. hee hee.. :)

Oh ya! This afternoon, this is what I calculated:

Heavy debts with:

> Zihui ($10)
> Brother ($60)

Savings: $26.95

Debts cleared:

> Zihui (remember to get it from me ar. Hee hee.)

Debts un-clear:

> Brother ($43.05)

Do I still own anyone money? Er..I think don have bah. Heh..Heh..

Hmmm..There's still a n-ong n-ong time for me to buy a Tamagotchi, but I can do it yea? Hee..hee..

Im gonna do it!
Im gonna do it!
Im gonna do it!
Im gonna do it!
Im gonna do it!


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