Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Going New York and Germany~~~

黄大姐 is going to New York for business trip this Thursday!

After New York, she's heading to Germany to see her boyfriend!

Damn it!

She's just so xin lang~ She's away for 2 weeks lor!


How i wish i can travel too.. *envy envy*

Nair mind.. I can used her things when she's away!! Wahaha *wicked laugh*

Hmmm..i bet 黄大姐 will buy something unusual things for me!! Heh heh...

The weather is ta ma de cold there, so...must take care of urself ar! Dont over-taking-care of ur DARLING ar!! :P

Ae sis, take care ar~~!


Blogging from school comp lab again~ Gonna take the psycho paper later~~

Damn it.

Just heard from Gen that next Friday, we gonna have the Bio Practical!

Shit hell.

观音妈啊!When will those practicals and test be over ar?!

Hais.. *grumbles*


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