Saturday, July 15, 2006

The semestral exam timetable.

Guess what?

The Semestral exam timetable is out. :)

17th of August (Thursday) - Behavioural Science 1B

18th of August (Friday) - Nursing Science 1C

21st of August (Monday) - Biological Science 1A

22nd of August (Tuesday) - Nursing Science 1A

24th August (Thursday) - Nursing Science 1B


19th of July (Wednesday) - Clinical Theory Test

24th of July (Monday) - Introduction to Life Sciences Test 2

25th of July (Tuesday) - Clinical Practical Test


It makes me feels like im having 'O' level again.


Hmm..think I wont be posting so regularly bah.

Coz I wanna study. (Hope so!)

But i can still taggie taggie tag tag u guys, coz I needa to log on to the school's CMS thing. Heh heh.. Another excuse for onlining. :P





我突然间想试看大哭的感觉是如何的。:) 哭得哇哇叫更好!

(if u cant see the font, right click, go encoding den select Unicode.)

Actually what I wrote just now is.... (this benefit the non-Chinese)

What's the feeling of crying out loud? The feeling must be very shoik bah. Hmmmm..So I feel like trying/testing wat's the feeling like. Cry until breakdown is better. Wahhhhh... wahhaha..

Please dont assume urself that im sad or having self-declared-depression! Because im not! :)

Hmmm..can tell me how u felt? For those who had tried or experience it. :)

Im gonna stop here! So long, till I blog again! :)


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