Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Im H-A-P-P-Y!!!

Im H-A-P-P-Y!!!

Currently my MSN personal message is, "When can I go to Raffles Place? Depress-not-at-all! :)".

I think MSN personal message is like my wishlist like that. Heh heh...

And guess what? I've went to Raffles Place for 3 consecutive days! Yeah, it's 3 consecutive days. :) And I LOVE it!

1st day: I went with Sujie and Jen. We stayed until like 8pm or 9pm something?

2nd day: I went with Sujie. We stayed until 10pm.

3rd day: I went with Liwei and Clarissa. We stayed until 11.30pm. <- This is the best part. i just loved the atmosphere there. :)

I dunno why. But I really wished that I can camp there and daydream how long I want. Heh heh.. We talked alot. About personal things, gossiping, laming and many more. It's just so much things to do without many people there. Heh heh... There's an disadvantage for it, there are too many smokers and I just hate it. *fuming*

There's not much description I can give, you have to experience it yourself. Believe it or not. :)

I took some photos with my phone but lazy to upload. Hais. Wait la hor? Wait okay? Heh heh..


Today Sujie and her sub-grp came to my house and interview my relatives. Yea. I was actually damn paiseh one. Paiseh not because there come my house, paiseh because I took a very very very long time to ask when my relatives are free. Their presentation is on Thursday. Yea, you can imagine that it's quite late/last min for them.

Sorry, people. :)


To: You know who you are.

Please and please and please.

From what I see as an audience, you are deeply in love with him.

From what I see as an audience, you are hurting urself indirectly.

From what I see as an audience, there's nothing I can do but giving u advises by ur side.

No matter what is ur decision, I'll still support u. However, PLEASE dont do anything foolish to urself or to each other, k?

Learn how to forgive and forget.

You and him said to deal with this matter after the exams, so PLEASE really focus on ur study instead of thinking of what the future between you and him, k? Even if it's really after the exams, I hope u really think twice or even many many times before u make ur decision, k?

Dont just give in like that just because u love him. I know it's hard for u but try, k? Pisces are like that. :)

Really try, k?

Take care and let's strive for our exams with flying colours!!



Im sick!

Oh shit.

Im down with a flu!

Damn it.

How I wish it was fever or cough rather than flu!?

I hate flu. I hate the feeling of blocking nose. I hate the feeling when u are talking and the mucus are blocking it. I hate it when you are breathing out hot CO2. I hate it when im sleeping with a flu.

Can I exchange it with a fever or cough, erm... fever is better... pls???? :D

Take care, people!! :)


That's all... Tunaflsh, here I update liao hor! So, you MUST taggie taggie tag tag me! Because I update just because of you! wahhahaha..juz kidding..

Nah, I update coz I feel like updating...wahahhah... :P


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