Happy birthday!!
Happy 17th birthday! Wish u all e best! :)
I is me. Me is I. Love it. Hate it. Nair mind. I is me. Me is I. (:
A Modern Boy by...
Mr Derik Mosman. =)
You guys must be wondering, so wat's the big deal? It meant a lot to me! He's my Primary 5 form teacher! I think that's my favourite level! A lot of things happened when he was teaching us! Really enjoy it a lot! Hee hee..still remember he was asking us to buy his book. There's 2 books - one this and the other with a pink cover i think. I din manage to buy coz i cant persuade 黄妈妈 to give me $$ to buy. *pout lips*
So, im very happy when Zihui hand me the book. Heh..Heh.. thanks,babe! =)
Im half way through the book, quite er..dunno-how-to-put-it de feeling. There's this part where he talks abt his teens moment and on and on......It's quite duh when u know him and he actually did that kind of things?!!??!! However, it's fun to read his book too.. No harm trying it! =)
My 'ke ai' de brother.
Yeah..i was shock too. I've found this pic while uploading the pics to the comp. Presenting *drum rolls* my brother.. I quite piti him la, notice his eyes red red de? No, he's not a cry-baby. He actually kana sore eyes on that day, so no choice gonna carry on with it. =( Hee hee..
Hmmm....我突然间有idea for next posting.. hee hee..
think that's all abt it le..So tired to wait for the photos to upload sia.. Anyway, me is lazy. hee hee..K la, gonna go for my beauty sleep! See yA! :)
Photo taking...
夀星婆s... :D
Thanks 大姐 for helping to take these photos!! Thanks for all the presents, fren!!!! Thanks for coming!! :D Me is happy.