Monday, August 07, 2006

Hey man!!

Heh heh.. I've been missing loads and loads of things!!! Tell you the reason why i've not been taggie taggie tag tag u guys. Hee hee..

The reason is, coz i din pay for the internet bill. Wahahah.. Yeah.. There are so much being cut off leh.

My phone lah. My internet connection lah. My SCV cable lah.

Yeah. Im damn poor now. Im very poor.

Wahahaha.. it's damn funny sia.. one by one it's being cut off... Im wondering when is the electricity and water gonna cut off. Wahahahah..

Now, im in school computer lab. Blogging. Heh heh.. Wahhahaha..

Hais. Next week is the BIG DAY man! Im having exams!!! I've not even started yet. Shit me. Hais. Oh ya! Im posted to one of the polyclicnic too!! To do my attachment there lah..

Guess which polyclicnic?!

I'll say when im writing the next entry ya! Heh heh..


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