My sister got a BLOG which is at ! Heh proudly to tell you guys because i made the blogskin for her! :) I mean made the blogskin as in chose the blogskin from and do some amendments. Heh heh... *feeling proudly*
Yesterday, i went to Qian Hu with the Ng family excluding my brother. Heh heh..coz he's going to have his N-level and therefore, he have to do his revision! :) I took tonnes of photos so i can share it with u guys!
My younger sister, went to her favourite department of Qian Hu's. A place where i think the kiddies love to go to! You can catch the 'long kang' fish there, it's not cheap hor! If im not wrong, it cost 5 bucks for 10 mins, if overtime, it's $0.15 /min. Hmmm, to me it's quite 'eat money'. While my sis is catching her fish, i took some photos of the department. :D

So lovely rite.. Wahahahaha.. "It's the 3 blind mice!!" :P
After catching the fishes, we went to..

Wa...inside got loads and loads of fishes that i seldom see and some fishes grow in a very unique way. Example, this...

Can u see how this arowana grows? I think he/she has a curve spine or something.. Heh heh.. But he/she looks fierce to me. :( And you know how much this Arowana cost? Look!!

Yea, it's damn expensive lor! I would rather spent this $$ on FOOD!! Slurp~~~!! Heh heh.. :P
Keep on looking at these pictures....
Does it look like a piece of log to you?

Look carefully... (it's a fish too!)

Next, is the 'lazy fishes'!!! Heh heh..i named it myself! They dont swim freely like other fishes, they just lie there as if they were sick. Heh heh..

This is a exhibit electric eel and it's for sale. Oh damn, just look how long it is!

After going to the Qian Hu, we went to a vegetable farm. Waahha, it's becoming a education trip to me. :P

My favourite vege!! Heh heh..

Evon, feel like eating more veges?? Heh heh.. I think this is the 1st entry which i've upload quite a number of photos bah. Keep on stay tune!! :)
Qian Hu Corporation Limited
No 71, Jalan Lekar, Singapore 698950
Kok Fah Technology Farm Pte Ltd