Saturday, August 26, 2006

Steamboating!!! was a great party with them.. :)

- ME!! :)
- Jie
- Jen
- Van
- Gen
- Xinyi
- Jeremy
- Danny (Jie's godfather) <- He's cool!
- Ricky (Jie's doggy) <- Erm...
- Sam ( Danny's housemate) <- Cambodia guy
- David (Sam's fren) <- Cambodia guy
- and many more.....(from different countries!!!!e.g Cambodia, Malaysian, India, China and Singapore!)
It's more like a international 'party' to me. Firstly, Danny travels alot, and he speaks 'slang' english too..Wahhaha, he can speak different kinds of languages. Cool! :D You know what? It's a condominium lor! Somewhere in Paya Lebar, but i forgot the name of it. Wah..Im just so envy him. :(

We ate spicy/麻辣锅 ...It's DAMN superb! When i tasted the soup, it's like damn hot and spicy! But slowly, it taste nice and good. Slurp~~~!! :P The table was quite small and there's somehow not enough chairs for all of us to sit. Wahahha...

We talked a lot of craps and lame jokes that made all of us feel cold even though it was a hot and spicy soup. =_=" We even indirectly making Jie and Ricky to feel embarrassed by matchmake both of them. Wahhaha!! But seriously Jie, you and him got a couple look lah! It's now up to u now! He got a 慈祥 de look. Not bad lah..

We drank:

1) Heineken!
2) Carlsberg
3) Red Wine
4) Tiger Beer :(

Hee hee..and some green tea too. Danny said that after drinking beer, it's good for us to have some lime juice! He HAND-MADE the lime juice himself for us! Yea Jie, u've got a GREAT godfather! :)

After steamboating, there are still people strolling in. We played the 'QnA questions', it's like damn 'open' questions were being asked too! Wahhaha..about one night stand la, penis shooting up la and bi-sexual thing too.. The most 'free-show' was more on Xinyi and Jeremy!! Hee hee..Im not going to say it here! Heh heh..

We stayed till 1am something like that(if im not wrong). We are all getting tired and MY mum rushes me to get back home. :( The saddest thing was....


I DIN MANAGE TO GET TO RAFFLES PLACE!!!! Hais... :( Maybe we were too engrossed with the QnA thing, that we forgot the time. :( But...


Raffles Place wont run away, i'll still have loads of time going there! :)
Hey! My computer screen is down! Damn it, i've upload all the photos in and this old screen broke down.. :( Luckily, i've save this entry. If not, i've to type the same thing again! Boo! Hmmm, so bad luck siaal...where to get the cheapest comp screen huh? My cousin told me that Sim Lim Square got the most affordable prices! But, so many shops, which one? :( Hais..i think this time round. im gonna get a LCD screen bah.. Heh heh..
So, i think for the time being, i wont be uploading photos bah.. :(


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