Thursday, August 10, 2006

Finally I've got my internet connection back!

Yeah. Im blogging again.. I was damn depressed yesterday lor.

Wa lao. I just dunno why la. I just felt damn pissed off yesterday.

Maybe this was the reason why I was damn depressed/pissed off the whole day. You may feel childish or even ridiculous to be depressed/pissed off with, but I just have to say it off my mind.

Yesterday morning, when I was eating breakfast with my family, I saw this incident. I was damn fed up lor!

There were these two children, one elder sister and younger brother(aged around 6 and 8 like that). They were running towards the kopitiam, then this brother fell down on HIS OWN! His sister was like standing 1m away from him lor. The elder sister looked at him, turned behind and looked at her mum. AND YOU KNOW WHAT!?

Her mum SPANKED the girl's face and legs continuously as if she Nair spanked before lor. WA LAO! What is this? The poor girl was standing so far away from her brother, she din purposely trip her brother down or purposely push him down what. Why did the stupid mum wanna punished the innocent and not the boy? Can we judge this as child abuse? The girl was crying bitterly lor.

It's really true lor. She's innocent. Who ask the stupid boy not to run properly ar? The mother is like 不分青红皂白lor. Anyhow, spanked the girl.I feel like scolding the stupid mother lor. I should had recorded it down and show it to her that it's the boy who stupidly fell down on his own! Toot.

Yea, I was damn pissed off the whole day. You can scold me stupid or insane, but this is how I feel. Hais. Okay, enough of this stupid incident.


Yeah, today was the last presentation for the 1st semester! It was okay? I dunno la.. Im just happy that it ended. Hee, the crucial thing=EXAMS!!!!! Argh...hais. Im having the feel-like-going-to-raffles-place-daydreaming mood leh. HOW!!!??? Im still daydreaming!! Argh..


Someone had just sprain her ankle huh.. Take care and faster get well soon hor, so we can gather fast fast!! Hee hee.. Dunno how you walk, walk until sprain ur leg. Take care ar!! :)

Oh ya! Im now telling you guys that im posted to Jurong Polyclinic. Hais...It's damn far lor!!!!! No choice, still have to go. Hais.. I've got all the duty roster for all the attachment! Yeah! Im 'high' for the latest shift, from 1pm to 9pm de.. Wahahahah..我好期待哦!

Think I'll stop here ya? So long till I blog again! Tata.. :)


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