Sunday, September 10, 2006

Leo's Outing 2006 (:

It was a tiring day! Boo! But it was an enjoyable one. (:

To me, it was quite a last min outing as in buying the things, gather all the human. Hais..Hope all these things gonna end soon. :

We played, gossiping, talking, meeting-ing, and many many more. It's really a tired day to me. Hmm..I started to feel the bond-ness among the committees excluding *ahem* . Dunno..But I got the feeling we are. (:

We took loads loads of photos which were taken by Jaz and me. However, I think only Jaz did her part. Heh heh..She took the photos till her camera was low-batt den she uses mine. (: So, my camera was a last-min-in-used-type.. hee hee.. :P

Photos: (:


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