Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Outing with Jen –big spender

Heh heh…went out with Jen to Bugis Junction! (: It was fun, more than I expected! Heh heh… I would prefer going junction instead of village though there’s air con on the 2nd level, coz I can’t stand the hot weather.

Basically, we were shopping around and Jen told me she feel like doing pedicure today. She said Bugis Village price very reasonable. =_=” So, I was like,"erm, okay."

Jen’s shopping list was to buy a denim short and skirt. In the end, she did buy a denim skirt but it includes a black-girlie short and a silky-spaghetti top.

Skirt + short + top = $100!!!

The reason is, the sale girl (SG) told Jen that if she manage to hit the $80 figure in their shop, she own a lifetime membership with them. Cool. Initially, Jen can’t find anything that suits her or clothes that she 看的顺眼的, and she told SG that she just take the skirt will do.

To me, it’s quite worth it to obtain the membership as the skirt was already half the price of $80! So, I told her, maybe she can look around again. : P Don’t u think so? Ha ha… Jen, sorry ar. Hee hee...but I like the top and skirt u bought! I think they are suitable for clubbing! Heh heh... : P

After spending BIG in the shop, we continued window shopping. Heh heh…den we went to a shop which sell mainly stationary stuff. So, Jen and I each bought a small notebook for our attachment! Hers-yellow. Mine-blue. (: I’ve bought myself a 2007 planner book too. Yea, u must be saying im kiasu rite? Hee hee…but no choice, im a truly Singaporean! : P I’ve also told CM before that, at this time, we can start buying our Chinese New Year’s clothes liao! Wahahha... Yea, im really very K-I-A-S-U!! : P

Oh ya! I bought a book from Kinokuniya –My Story by Dave Pelzer. Yippee!!! I’ve longed for that book!! It was through Evon that I think this book is worth reading! Hee hee… Im so happy! (: It is a combination of A Child Called It, The Lost Boy and A Man Named Dave. So, it’s quite worth it to buy this instead of the 3 separated books.

I nair go Icon before (ya, im mountain-turtle), so Jen was suggesting wanna go Icon? (: It’s really very small! Just a few minutes, I think we have finish 2 level of Icon? However, when we reached 5th level, we saw this Manicure & Pedicure shop. My eyes were caught by the signboard saying filing for only $1 and colouring nail for $5 only!!! Oh damn, den I pull Jen to look at the signboard too. We were like standing at the door and wondering what kind of colouring. To my amaze, Jen actually went up and ask the lady! Ha ha…

I think Jen find the price reasonable den she agreed to do bah. Oh ya, her name is Sherry. Her service is damn good that when I talk to her, it seems like we are frens for many years. Wahahahha... Due to our curiosity, we kept on asking her questions while she’s painting Jen’s nails and she replied us in a friendly manner! Sherry also advice us what to do and what not to do to our nails. Wah…I think if next time I want to do nails, can go look for her liao. I like the ambience there, even though it’s not a very big shop. Sherry actually can make us feel at home! Im so engross in our conversation that i dint take any photos of her shop. ): Nair mind, im going back! Hee hee...

So, im here proudly to advertise her shop! : P

Chez Nails
Icon Trendy Zone
530 North Bridge Road
#05-01A, Bugis Point
Singapore 188747

Tel No: +65 6835 9668
E-mail: cheznailz@gmail.com


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