Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Feeling Bland. ):
I dunno why whenever I feel like blogging, I feel tired. Hmmm, it's kinda sian liao bah. Maybe it's because there's not much things for me to blog about. However, I'll still try to blog. Hee.
I want the world to know that I ENVY MY SISTER, STEFFANY!!
She's in Bangkok with her frens now. Few DAYS before she flew to Bangkok, she celebrated her "Happy 3rd anniversary" with EngKee in Phuket! Wa lao! Her life is so damn shiok.
She gets to travel so many times lor. And im here, stuck in Singapore, busy with my life. ): I wanna be like her! Gets to travel, to Bangkok!!!! uh~! When is it coming? Hais.
To my frens, im like a 'home person' who like to stay at home most of the time. I'll only get out of my house only when there's a need or else, I'll stay at home -rotting.
However, at this time, i prefer going out to staying at home. I dont like all the nagging and shouting from my mother. I know I've to tolerate her, but how much can u tolerate with her shouting?! I CANT!
I dont like her character either. She's so unreasonable and irritating! I just hate her screaming and multiples demand. Whenever I want to talk to her, it seems like im going to start a fight with her -which I dont intend! UH!!!!!! It's just so SO so..Whatever!
I felt much more comfortable outside more than being at home now. I just feel like my frens know more about me compared to my mother. It's just so SHIT now!!!


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