Thursday, September 14, 2006

Still Happy

I flunked my 2 modules and im taking the Sub papers next week. HS1031 and HS1033. For HS1033, I've already be prepared that im gonna failed it when I walk out the exam hall.

However, I FAILED HS1031!? I've study so hard for that paper and I've got high confidence that im gonna pass this paper, but in the end? I still flunked it. Boo! ): This is discouraging me to study hard for the Sub paper sial. Hopefully, I can still make it. If not, i dont know if im still pursuing the course. ):

No matter what, im still going to study hard for the Sub paper to strive for the very very very best. Yea!

My sister is back from Bangkok(BKK). Haha! Lil put it as BKK and I've to figure out what's that for abt 10s. :P Luckily, my sister bought loads loads of things for us -me! Hee hee... Im HAPPY! Thanks!

My attachment gonna start soon! Boo Hoo! What a short holiday. I dont like this time de attachment coz straight after my attachment week, it's the 2nd semester!! That means, i only got to rest for 2 days den im back to school?! =_="

Having the hospital's orientation this coming Saturday. Hee hee..
*I just pray that the lecturer I/C wont be her!* *two finger crossing*

Still wondering why I failed HS1031...


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