Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Attachment coming!!!!

Hospital: Singapore General Hospital
Date: 25th Sept - 6th Oct 2006
Ward: 54H (#medical)

25/09 - 8am to 4pm
26/09 - 7am to 3pm
27/09 - 7am to 3pm
28/09 - 1pm to 9pm
29/09 - 1pm to 9pm
2/10 - 7am to 3pm
3/10 - 7am to 3pm
4/10 - 7am to 3pm
5/10 - 1pm to 9pm
6/10 - 1pm to 9pm

Wa..Got 7am slot! I die die must board the first train one lor! Oh damn it! Den I must wake up at 4am like that?! Damn it!

Nair mind! 我好期待这一天哦!So, must be positive about it! Like what Jie said, those patients need my help. (: So happy to hear it, but I hope nothing is going to happen when im serving my attachment! (:

Before I go enjoy my attachment, my schedule for this week is full! Heh heh...Thursday go out with CM and Lynn to watch Singapore Dreaming(must support local production!), Friday go school take Sub-paper(hope I can do it!) den meet up babe Evon to watch John Tucker must die, den Saturday meet up with the Leo club members to discuss about Food Race(十至路口)with the other sch's Leo club ppl den innovanation briefing den go out with Jie to her Church thing den we are heading for RAFFLES PLACE!! Yippeeee!!! Hee hee.. Sunday is my day spent with the Ng Family!!! Heh heh... Yeah, I think im busy. :P

趁我还没去attachment,我会尽量写多一点entry! (: Because i know I'll be very committed in my attachment! Hee hee..

Take care, pals! =)


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