Saturday, September 30, 2006

I felt so weird.

Today, I went to sch for Leo's installation. We suppose to reached there by 10am, but due to the tired-pain-aching-legs-and-body reason, I reached sch around 2pm like that. Wahaha.. The worst thing is that, when I was on the bus, Van called and told me that the rehearsal had already end. =_="

Nair mind.

I still went to sch and meet up with the Leos -coz we still have to go NUS to prepare for the children carnival thing tml! Urgh!! So, no choice! ):

At first, I felt so weird to go NUS with 6 guys coz Van had already go dating with her girlfriends! To me, it's really gonna be damn boring and I'll always be the one who is walking behind them. So, I kept asking Peter if I can go home. ):

We went there barehanded. (: Wahaha!! Actually, we suppose to prepare our decorations beforehand and bring it over just to put up nia. In the end, nothing was done. :P So, we have to quickly and gan chiong-ing with our decorations last minute. Hee hee... However, I still satisfied with what we've done! Hee hee...

Guess where we went after NUS? We went to play pool! I cant believed I actually joined them. Im not trying to mean that joining them is a bad thing, it's just that I've nair join a boy's group with im the only girl. It felt so weird! Haha!

I did played a few games with them. Wa lao, im the one who keep losing lor. Not good, must practice more. *shaking head hardly* After all, it's a not-bad-companion. Wahaha!!

I wont blog about how well or bad is my attachment here. (:

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Attachment coming!!!!

Hospital: Singapore General Hospital
Date: 25th Sept - 6th Oct 2006
Ward: 54H (#medical)

25/09 - 8am to 4pm
26/09 - 7am to 3pm
27/09 - 7am to 3pm
28/09 - 1pm to 9pm
29/09 - 1pm to 9pm
2/10 - 7am to 3pm
3/10 - 7am to 3pm
4/10 - 7am to 3pm
5/10 - 1pm to 9pm
6/10 - 1pm to 9pm

Wa..Got 7am slot! I die die must board the first train one lor! Oh damn it! Den I must wake up at 4am like that?! Damn it!

Nair mind! 我好期待这一天哦!So, must be positive about it! Like what Jie said, those patients need my help. (: So happy to hear it, but I hope nothing is going to happen when im serving my attachment! (:

Before I go enjoy my attachment, my schedule for this week is full! Heh heh...Thursday go out with CM and Lynn to watch Singapore Dreaming(must support local production!), Friday go school take Sub-paper(hope I can do it!) den meet up babe Evon to watch John Tucker must die, den Saturday meet up with the Leo club members to discuss about Food Race(十至路口)with the other sch's Leo club ppl den innovanation briefing den go out with Jie to her Church thing den we are heading for RAFFLES PLACE!! Yippeeee!!! Hee hee.. Sunday is my day spent with the Ng Family!!! Heh heh... Yeah, I think im busy. :P

趁我还没去attachment,我会尽量写多一点entry! (: Because i know I'll be very committed in my attachment! Hee hee..

Take care, pals! =)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Outing with Jen –big spender

Heh heh…went out with Jen to Bugis Junction! (: It was fun, more than I expected! Heh heh… I would prefer going junction instead of village though there’s air con on the 2nd level, coz I can’t stand the hot weather.

Basically, we were shopping around and Jen told me she feel like doing pedicure today. She said Bugis Village price very reasonable. =_=” So, I was like,"erm, okay."

Jen’s shopping list was to buy a denim short and skirt. In the end, she did buy a denim skirt but it includes a black-girlie short and a silky-spaghetti top.

Skirt + short + top = $100!!!

The reason is, the sale girl (SG) told Jen that if she manage to hit the $80 figure in their shop, she own a lifetime membership with them. Cool. Initially, Jen can’t find anything that suits her or clothes that she 看的顺眼的, and she told SG that she just take the skirt will do.

To me, it’s quite worth it to obtain the membership as the skirt was already half the price of $80! So, I told her, maybe she can look around again. : P Don’t u think so? Ha ha… Jen, sorry ar. Hee hee...but I like the top and skirt u bought! I think they are suitable for clubbing! Heh heh... : P

After spending BIG in the shop, we continued window shopping. Heh heh…den we went to a shop which sell mainly stationary stuff. So, Jen and I each bought a small notebook for our attachment! Hers-yellow. Mine-blue. (: I’ve bought myself a 2007 planner book too. Yea, u must be saying im kiasu rite? Hee hee…but no choice, im a truly Singaporean! : P I’ve also told CM before that, at this time, we can start buying our Chinese New Year’s clothes liao! Wahahha... Yea, im really very K-I-A-S-U!! : P

Oh ya! I bought a book from Kinokuniya –My Story by Dave Pelzer. Yippee!!! I’ve longed for that book!! It was through Evon that I think this book is worth reading! Hee hee… Im so happy! (: It is a combination of A Child Called It, The Lost Boy and A Man Named Dave. So, it’s quite worth it to buy this instead of the 3 separated books.

I nair go Icon before (ya, im mountain-turtle), so Jen was suggesting wanna go Icon? (: It’s really very small! Just a few minutes, I think we have finish 2 level of Icon? However, when we reached 5th level, we saw this Manicure & Pedicure shop. My eyes were caught by the signboard saying filing for only $1 and colouring nail for $5 only!!! Oh damn, den I pull Jen to look at the signboard too. We were like standing at the door and wondering what kind of colouring. To my amaze, Jen actually went up and ask the lady! Ha ha…

I think Jen find the price reasonable den she agreed to do bah. Oh ya, her name is Sherry. Her service is damn good that when I talk to her, it seems like we are frens for many years. Wahahahha... Due to our curiosity, we kept on asking her questions while she’s painting Jen’s nails and she replied us in a friendly manner! Sherry also advice us what to do and what not to do to our nails. Wah…I think if next time I want to do nails, can go look for her liao. I like the ambience there, even though it’s not a very big shop. Sherry actually can make us feel at home! Im so engross in our conversation that i dint take any photos of her shop. ): Nair mind, im going back! Hee hee...

So, im here proudly to advertise her shop! : P

Chez Nails
Icon Trendy Zone
530 North Bridge Road
#05-01A, Bugis Point
Singapore 188747

Tel No: +65 6835 9668

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I have been tagged!
1. Do the following WITHOUT complaints
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you have completed yours
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.
4. Start your post with I have been tagged! then do this.

Current Mood: Happy!

Taste: Sweet!

Current Clothes: Shirt and short!

Current Desktop: Pinkish background with stars and spiral thing!

Toenail Colour: Original!

Current Time: 11.08 am!

Current Surroundings: My bedroom!

Current Annoyances: Lousy vehicles' sound, construction-in-process sound!

First Best Friends: Erm..not very sure leh!

First Crush: Primary school time. When i was like in Pri 2? Yea, i still remember his face, his NAME and where he lives! Coz he only live a few blocks away from me! Yippe!!! Wahaha.. If im not wrong, he's serving NS now! Wahahha!
First Movie: Cant really remember!
First Lie: Dont remember when i tell lies leh, im a good person. 'I dont tell lies' Wahahahha!!!

First Music: You've got to ask my mum, i dont know what she was listening when im in her womb! :P

Last Crush: The pri. sch guy? Not very sure leh!

Last Movie: The Devil Wears Prada! Damn sarcastic sial!

Last Phone Call: Vanessa called!
Last song played: Sexyback - Timbaland, Justin Timberlake!

Have you ever dated one of your best friends: Noped!
Have you ever broken the law: Copying spelling words from fren when i was in pri sch!

Have you ever been arrested: Nah!

Have you ever skinny-dipped: What's that?!

Have you ever been on TV: Nope!
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: Nope!
5 things you are wearing: Short, shirt, hairband, rubberband and glasses!

4 things you did today: Woke up, talked on the phone, turn on the comp, writing blog!

3 things you can hear right now: Tv programmes sound, computer motor sound?, mother nagging!

1 thing you do when you're bored: Daydreaming!

Tag time..
1. Bibi
2. Clarissa
3. Gen
4. Nadzira
5. Kat
Still Happy

I flunked my 2 modules and im taking the Sub papers next week. HS1031 and HS1033. For HS1033, I've already be prepared that im gonna failed it when I walk out the exam hall.

However, I FAILED HS1031!? I've study so hard for that paper and I've got high confidence that im gonna pass this paper, but in the end? I still flunked it. Boo! ): This is discouraging me to study hard for the Sub paper sial. Hopefully, I can still make it. If not, i dont know if im still pursuing the course. ):

No matter what, im still going to study hard for the Sub paper to strive for the very very very best. Yea!

My sister is back from Bangkok(BKK). Haha! Lil put it as BKK and I've to figure out what's that for abt 10s. :P Luckily, my sister bought loads loads of things for us -me! Hee hee... Im HAPPY! Thanks!

My attachment gonna start soon! Boo Hoo! What a short holiday. I dont like this time de attachment coz straight after my attachment week, it's the 2nd semester!! That means, i only got to rest for 2 days den im back to school?! =_="

Having the hospital's orientation this coming Saturday. Hee hee..
*I just pray that the lecturer I/C wont be her!* *two finger crossing*

Still wondering why I failed HS1031...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Feeling Bland. ):
I dunno why whenever I feel like blogging, I feel tired. Hmmm, it's kinda sian liao bah. Maybe it's because there's not much things for me to blog about. However, I'll still try to blog. Hee.
I want the world to know that I ENVY MY SISTER, STEFFANY!!
She's in Bangkok with her frens now. Few DAYS before she flew to Bangkok, she celebrated her "Happy 3rd anniversary" with EngKee in Phuket! Wa lao! Her life is so damn shiok.
She gets to travel so many times lor. And im here, stuck in Singapore, busy with my life. ): I wanna be like her! Gets to travel, to Bangkok!!!! uh~! When is it coming? Hais.
To my frens, im like a 'home person' who like to stay at home most of the time. I'll only get out of my house only when there's a need or else, I'll stay at home -rotting.
However, at this time, i prefer going out to staying at home. I dont like all the nagging and shouting from my mother. I know I've to tolerate her, but how much can u tolerate with her shouting?! I CANT!
I dont like her character either. She's so unreasonable and irritating! I just hate her screaming and multiples demand. Whenever I want to talk to her, it seems like im going to start a fight with her -which I dont intend! UH!!!!!! It's just so SO so..Whatever!
I felt much more comfortable outside more than being at home now. I just feel like my frens know more about me compared to my mother. It's just so SHIT now!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Leo's Outing 2006 (:

It was a tiring day! Boo! But it was an enjoyable one. (:

To me, it was quite a last min outing as in buying the things, gather all the human. Hais..Hope all these things gonna end soon. :

We played, gossiping, talking, meeting-ing, and many many more. It's really a tired day to me. Hmm..I started to feel the bond-ness among the committees excluding *ahem* . Dunno..But I got the feeling we are. (:

We took loads loads of photos which were taken by Jaz and me. However, I think only Jaz did her part. Heh heh..She took the photos till her camera was low-batt den she uses mine. (: So, my camera was a last-min-in-used-type.. hee hee.. :P

Photos: (:

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Teacher's Day Celebration 2006

I met up with Zihui and Peiying. As usual, I was late again. Heh heh..Sorry! :D The whole performance was not wat I expected. To me, it's kind of bored. Yea, true. I dunno why, but it seems like Chitra wasn't the organizer this year, it's bored. There were no games for us(ex-riversidian), unlike last year. Hais, im wondering if it's because there's no more enthu people(like me!!Heh heh!!) in school, so the performance was kind of erm..sian~~ ):

Okay, whatever.. Heh heh.. The most important is that, we managed to take pictures with our teachers.. Yea.. However, our form teacher, Mdm Mathews, no longer teaching in the school. I dunno what she's doing now, maybe she's staying at home being a noble mum? :)

This was the banner on the stage. :P

It's like what our ex-principal, Mrs Tan, had said, "Once a riversidian, always a riversidian". When we walk around the school, we still remember what mischievous things we had done to our school, teachers and the school property. Hee hee.. It really brings back good memories. (:

I missed my 5/3 classroom.

Yeah, that's my classroom. So high yet so small. It's on the 4th level! Can u imagine every morning u have to climb the stairs and perspiring while greeting the teachers? Wahaha, I remember saying this to my frens whenever I have to climb the stairs, "瓦老,爬这么高的楼梯我的命会减短几年啊!" Haha.. Hais, but now..there's lift for us in the poly! :)

After searching high and low for the teachers, taking photos and chatting and hugging and shaking hands, we went Pasta Mania and had our Brunch(breakfast+lunch=Brunch) Heh heh..

Peiying and I met up with cheemei and lynn. Yilin cant make it coz she was taken before we asked her. Boo! ): Heh heh..It's such a long time we nair get to gather liao. (: Once we met, we eat again! Yea, heh heh..

Im lame. Heh heh..It's like a Hong Kong restaurant or something like that. The most I like was..

THIS! Heh heh.. Mango something cost $6.90. I think quite worth it la, coz it's really damn nice. Should go try it when u are in Cineleisure! Hee hee.. if im not wrong, it's on the 3rd floor. IF IM NOT WRONG LA..
Im moody now..
Hais..Pals, u guys must really treasure the loved ones u have now, before it's too late!! It can really happen so sudden!! If u are admiring someone, quickly tell him or her, u love him/her. If u are quarreling with ur siblings or parents, quickly apologized to them and say u loved them.
Start spending more time with ur family!
Start loving each other!
Start to learn how to forgive and forget!
Start to....
Start to treasure the loved ones u have now, before it's REALLY really too late!
Take care, friends... (:

Sunday, September 03, 2006

温岚 - 祝我生日快乐 MTV

Still cant get over this song. :)

Next entry will be about Teacher's Day celebration! :)